
My body of work has centered around preparing sermons, web reflections, prayers, opinion editorials, and brief videos, some of which are available at KAIROS Canada or the Church of the Holy Trinity.
This is a list of key book chapters, journal articles and other written contributions:
2019 “Valoriser le leadership des femmes autochtones : pour une autre lecture de Laudato si.” In Voix multiples, Rêve commmun: Pratiques de solidarité pour libérer le present, eds. Denise Couture et al. Montréal: Novalis.
“I Choose Miriam.” In Unsettling the Word: Biblical Experiments in Decolonization, ed. Steve Heinrichs, 21-24. Winnipeg: Mennonite Church Canada.
“CEJI Mobilizes to Cancel the Debts of Global South Countries: Interview with Jennifer Henry.” In Journeys to Justice: Reflections on Canadian Christian Activism, ed. Joe Gunn, 126-137. Montréal: Novalis.
2017 “Justice is the Fast that God Requires: Bible Study #4.” In Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Study Guide, ed. Katerina Friesen, 25-27.
“The Churches Working Together: An ecumenical spirit for faithful justice.” In Jubilee: 50 Years of Solidarity, eds. Mike Flynn et al, 34-36. Montréal: Novalis.
2015-2016 “Decolonizing our Hearts,” 5 part series in Intotemak Vol. 44, No. 2,3,4 and Vol. 45 1,2.
“Canadian Ecumenical Justice: A Movement of Prophetic Witness.” In Touchstone: Vol. 33 June 2015, Number 2, 24-33.
“Living in to its Name and Living up to its Legacy: the public, practical theology of KAIROS.” In Consensus: Vol. 36 Iss. 2, Article 3.
“Jubilee Activism: A Living Vision of Hope.” In Liberating Biblical Study: Scholarship, Art, and Action in Honor of the Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice, eds. Laurel Dykstra and Ched Myers, 105-112. Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers.
2000 “Setting our Faces to the New Jerusalem,” In Of Rolling Waters and Roaring Wind: A Celebration of the Woman Song, eds. Lynda Katsuno-Ishii Edna Orteza, 73-74. Geneva: World Council of Churches.
Engendering Jubilee: Biblical Hopes and Women’s Reality. Toronto: Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice.
Jubilee a Justice Spirituality. Toronto: Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice.
“The Song of the Ram’s Horn: Child Poverty and Jubilee.” Making a New Beginning. Toronto: Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative.
Promises to Keep, Miles to Go: An Examination of Poverty in the International Year for the Eradication of Poverty. Toronto: Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice.